SIGCIS Workshop 2015: Infrastructures
Sunday, October 11, 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2015
For the SIGCIS 2015 Workshop, we invite papers that engage historical dimensions of the prosaic work of building networks, cultivating workforces, and maintaining computing and information infrastructures. Related themes necessarily include maintenance, labor, and ordinary experiences with information and computing technologies. Proposals for individual papers or complete sessions might include the following topics:
- the maintenance of legacy hardware and software
- the training and treatment of labor and workforces
- the lived realities of computers and IT
- digital archives and their sustainability
- cyberinfrastructures for bureaucratic and scientific collaboration
- materiality of computing, media, and information technologies
- specific infrastructural technologies such as cables, fiber-optics, switching, and wireless
- political and economic aspects of infrastructure maintenance and development
- tensions between local or national legal regimes and global information infrastructures