Internet governance and INWG


The debate inside the International Network Working Group (INWG) and the events between 1974 and 1976 that led up to the INWG 96 transport protocol were a small part of a much larger debate going on within the communications and networking industry. This article places the INWG discussions in this wider context to better understand the technical points and implications and their ultimate impact on established business models.

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Cinq émissions sur France culture dédiées à l’histoire d’Internet

Capture d’écran 2016-09-02 à 07.58.45Présentées par Julien Goetz.
Les écouter

60/70’s : l’écho psychédélique du bout des tuyaux

70/80’s : cowboys nomades, astragale et feux de camps électriques

Les années 1990 : Un Web et des bulles

Les années 2000 : sous les pop-up, l’indépendance

Un Internet à la dérive. Des internets en résistance

Enquêtes sur les usages d’Internet

Dans la seconde partie  des années 1990 émergent plusieurs enquêtes sur les usages.

Par exemple :

Boullier, Dominique et Charlier, Catherine. A chacun son Internet. Enquête sur des usages ordinaires . In: Réseaux, volume 15, n°86, 1997. Modèles et acteurs de la production audiovisuelle. pp. 159-181. DOI : 10.3406/reso.1997.3118

Pouts-Lajus, Serge et Tiévant, Sophie. Observation des usages d’Internet dans différents lieux d’accès publicBulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF), n° 5, 1999, p. 30-34. Disponible sur le Web : <>. ISSN 1292-8399.

AOIR Pre-conference – 404 History Not Found: Challenges in Internet History and Memory Studies

aoir2016AoIR routinely hosts several preconference workshops before the main conference. Attendees must register to attend a preconference; the price of the preconference is included as part of the main conference. All workshops will be held on October 5th.


voir la liste des pré-conférences 

Parmi elle celle organisée par Camille Paloque-Bergès (HT2S Cnam, membre de Web90 ) et Kevin Driscoll (University of Virginia):

404 History Not Found: Challenges in Internet History and Memory Studies

How did the Internet become relevant in today’s culture and politics? How were its codes and rules—whether technical, social or cultural—constructed, challenged, and normalized? How did net culture become a mass phenomenon of global importance? To understand why and how the “Internet rules” today, it is essential that we look back at the internet’s past. In this pre-conference, we will discuss the specific theoretical and methodological challenges that arise in the study of the internet through time and memory, for purposes of both historiography (what net histories and how?) and epistemology (net histories as an object of media research). Attendees will be invited to participate in three hands-on, interactive sessions organized around issues, sources and methods fundamental to researching net diachronicity.

Net history survives in unexpected places, unfolding through time and space, collapsing in on the present. The artifacts that surface may be incomplete or inscrutable absent their original contexts, requiring us to borrow creatively from other fields and develop new historical methods (Ankerson, 2011; Brügger & Finnemann, 2012; Paloque-Berges, 2016). From formal archives and oral histories to lingering web sites, software, and hardware artifacts, the material evidence of the past suggests a diversity of social, temporal, and technical regimes. Indeed, recent scholarship on early networks reveals a greater range of experiences, technologies, norms and motivations than is found in best-known histories of the internet (Brammer, 2015; Brunton, 2013; Driscoll, 2014; Hargadon, 2011; Mailland, 2015; Paloque-Berges, 2011; Rankin 2014, 2015; Russell, 2014; Russell & Schafer, 2014; Schafer & Thierry, 2012; Schulte, 2013; Streeter, 2011). In their wake, we question how to make sense of conflicts and contradictions while respecting the subjective lived experiences of individual participants. What is our responsibility to find and document hidden histories, obscure sources, and less visible networks? How will a richer understanding of the internet’s past change how we engage with its present and imagine its future?

This pre-conference will include three workshop sessions organized around core research challenges in net history: (1) epistemology, (2) sources and methodology, and (3) mediation and transmission. Selected participants, rather than present whole case studies, will intervene on specific challenges—for instance: theoretical paradoxes or deadlocks, methodological problem-solving, and demonstrations of born-digital artifacts. The audience will be involved by taking positions, suggesting ad-hoc solutions, and identifying common themes.

(…) This pre-conference will be a full-day workshop facilitated by Kevin Driscoll and Camille Paloque-Berges with support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche project Web90. The discussions and hands-on activities will be accessible to all AOIR attendees but will be especially engaging for researchers encountering issues of temporality, memory, nostalgia, or a need to “go back in time” in their own work.

En savoir plus 



avatars_colofon.gif(mediaclass-list-image.704eb78d2a14a751335be5c7e734f07181234abd)Digital Pompeji

A team of computer science students succeeded in accessing the digitale archives of DDS (De Digitale Stad, The Digital City) from its first years of existence 1994-1996, and getting the software operational. The results of this spectacular project will be presented in the Amsterdam Museum.

Découvrir ce projet supervisé par Gerard Alberts (UvA, NL)

The spam that started it all …

Five years ago Tuesday, two lawyers posted an advertisement to Internet newsgroups. The notorious “Green Card Spam” marked the beginning of a flood of spam that has since made Usenet a very different place. Antispam activist Ray Everett-Church looks back.

Lire la suite de l’article de R. Everett-Church dans Wired (13 avril 1999)

Soirée-Débat Ce qu’Internet fait au monde social par RESET

Capture d’écran 2016-04-28 à 19.02.21Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 à 19h19
La Gaîté Lyrique


La soirée-débat organisée par la revue RESET (Recherches en Sciences Sociales sur Internet) pose la question des changements et des continuités qui accompagnent les usages d’Internet. Elle prend la forme d’une table-ronde à laquelle participent Antonio Casilli, Cécile Méadel et Dominique Pasquier, tou.te.s spécialistes des pratiques numériques et associé.e.s à la revue de différentes manières. À l’image de celle-ci, la soirée propose de revisiter les objets fondamentaux (classe, famille, travail, sociabilité…) des sciences sociales à l’heure des pratiques numériques. Quels sont les domaines où Internet a sensiblement changé les pratiques sociales ? Quels sont ceux où le réseau reproduit plus qu’il ne modifie les manières de faire ?

Le débat – entre les participants et avec le public – sera aussi l’occasion de revenir sur les différences de classe et de genre dans les pratiques numériques et sur les inégalités qui se logent dans les usages d’Internet.

Plus d’infos sur l’évènement