Appel à contribution pour la revue Tracés (n° 35) : Infrastructures

The Telecity data center in Aubervilliers, France in which Wikimedia has servers. Auteur: David Monniaux. CC BY-SA-2.0

Numéro coordonné par Haud Gueguen, François Jarrige, Stefan Le Courant et Camille Paloque-Berges

DATE-LIMITE: 31 octobre 2017

Comme agencements techniques pérennes – ou au moins conçus pour l’être –  non soumis au changement et à l’appropriation immédiate, les infrastructures façonnent les usages sociaux et matérialisent par là-même des programmes politiques. Au-delà de l’apparente neutralité de l’innovation technologique, ce numéro souhaite interroger les conditions et formes de contraintes contenues dans les infrastructures, et donc leurs aspects structurels. Ainsi, comment les infrastructures peuvent-elles témoigner, induire ou encore produire des structures sociales?

The Turn to Infrastructure in Internet Governance

9781137533265Editors: Musiani, F., Cogburn, D.L., DeNardis, L., Levinson, N.S. (Eds.)

This book brings together a stellar group of interdisciplinary international scholars, to examine the current fundamental restructuring of global Internet governance by focusing on governance by Internet infrastructure. The authors see public and private entities co-opting Internet infrastructure for broader political and economic purposes.

En savoir plus 

CfP SIGCIS Workshop 2015: Infrastructures

SIGCIS Workshop 2015: Infrastructures

Sunday, October 11, 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2015
Ben Stanfield — CC BY-SA 2.0

Ben Stanfield —
CC BY-SA 2.0

 For the SIGCIS 2015 Workshop, we invite papers that engage historical dimensions of the prosaic work of building networks, cultivating workforces, and maintaining computing and information infrastructures. Related themes necessarily include maintenance, labor, and ordinary experiences with information and computing technologies. Proposals for individual papers or complete sessions might include the following topics:
  • the maintenance of legacy hardware and software
  • the training and treatment of labor and workforces
  • the lived realities of computers and IT
  • digital archives and their sustainability
  • cyberinfrastructures for bureaucratic and scientific collaboration
  • materiality of computing, media, and information technologies
  • specific infrastructural technologies such as cables, fiber-optics, switching, and wireless
  • political and economic aspects of infrastructure maintenance and development
  • tensions between local or national legal regimes and global information infrastructures

BOBCATSSS 2016 in Lyon : Information, Libraries, and Democracy

Call for Papers (deadline September 2015).

BOBCATSSS 2016 explores the main theme of Information, Libraries, and Democracy through several key topics: The Role of Libraries in Democratic Cultures, Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Libraries, Open Access and Open Data, and Protecting Privacy.

The program includes paper presentations, workshops, poster exhibitions, short presentation sessions and invited keynote speakers. Details about the topics and guidelines are provided in the instructions below.

More info.

L’autre architecture d’Internet

Une série de photographies d’immeubles américains abritant des data centers et autres signes matériaux de la présence infrastructurelle d’Internet donne l’occasion à une journaliste du NYTimes de réfléchir à la matérialité invisible des réseaux : invisible du point de vue des infrastructures, enfouie ou enfermée dans des espaces cachés au regard, mais invisible aussi du point de vue de des aménagements architecturaux urbains, suburbains voire ruraux, insérée dans nos paysages quotidiens. Voir le diaporama et l’article ici.

CfP SIGCIS Workshop 2015: Infrastructures

Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2015

The Special Interest Group for Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS) welcomes submissions for our annual one-day scholarly workshop to be held on Sunday, October 11, 2015 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is immediately after the end of the regular annual meeting of our parent organization, the Society for the History of Technology.

Questions about the SIGCIS 2015 workshop should be addressed to Andrew Russell (Stevens Institute of Technology), who is serving as chair of the workshop organizing committee (e-mail:

Workshop Theme: Infrastructures

Across academic, artistic, and popular domains, curiosity and concern over the information and computing infrastructures that sustain economic, cultural, and social interaction has never been more salient. In contrast to the hype generated by the gadgetry of innovation prophets and venture capitalists, an emphasis on infrastructure highlights networks of labor and focuses on the human, material, and ecological cost and scale of information and computing technologies.

For the SIGCIS 2015 Workshop, we invite papers that engage historical dimensions of the prosaic work of building networks, cultivating workforces, and maintaining computing and information infrastructures. Related themes necessarily include maintenance, labor, and ordinary experiences with information and computing technologies.
Proposals for individual papers or complete sessions might include the following topics:
– the maintenance of legacy hardware and software
– the training and treatment of labor and workforces
– the lived realities of computers and IT
– digital archives and their sustainability
– cyberinfrastructures for bureaucratic and scientific collaboration
– materiality of computing, media, and information technologies
– specific infrastructural technologies such as cables, fiber-optics, switching, and wireless
political and economic aspects of infrastructure maintenance and development
– tensions between local or national legal regimes and global information infrastructures

As always, SIGCIS welcomes all types of contributions related to the history of computing and information, whether or not there is an explicit connection with the annual theme. Our membership is international and interdisciplinary, and our members examine the history of information technologies and their place within society from a variety of scholarly perspectives including the history of technology, labor history, social history, business history, the history of science, science & technologies studies, communications, media studies, gender and sexuality studies, and museum studies.

Colloque La communication numérique au cœur des sociétés : Dispositifs, logiques de développement et pratiques

Capture d’écran 2015-04-20 à 22.17.42Organisé par le Gresec (Université Stendhal) les 04 et 05 mai 2015 à l’Institut de la Communication et des Médias. Voir le programme

Informations et inscriptions

Ce colloque international vise à questionner la place que les dispositifs numériques d’information et de communication occupent dans les sociétés contemporaines en accordant un intérêt particulier à leurs logiques de développement et en confrontant les promesses véhiculées par les discours et les imaginaires aux réalités observables.

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Connected Life 2015

Capture d’écran 2015-03-29 à 17.04.59Derniers jours pour répondre à l’appel (date limite 31 mars 2015)

Connected Life 2015 is a day-long conference dedicated to igniting multidisciplinary exchanges and showcasing exciting Internet research. We welcome students and faculty from all disciplines, including (but not limited to) business, computer science, economics, education, history, international relations, law, linguistics, literature, media and communications, medicine, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology. Like last year’s inaugural conference, Connected Life 2015 will foster collaborations within and beyond Oxford in pursuit of an enhanced understanding of the Internet and its multifaceted effects upon society.

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