Dossier RESET 6 : Patrimoine et patrimonialisation numériques

Francesca Musiani et Valérie Schafer (coord.) ainsi que les comités et équipes de RESET (Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet) sont heureux de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 6 de la revue, dont le dossier est consacré à la thématique : Patrimoine et patrimonialisation numériques.

Que nous disent  le patrimoine numérique et la patrimonialisation du numérique sur le rapport de nos sociétés à leur patrimoine et au numérique ? Que se passe-t-il quand on ne se contente plus de « numériser » la culture mais qu’elle est « d’emblée numérique » ? Quelles sont les conséquences sur le patrimoine, et sur ses usages – sociaux, culturels, politiques, économiques et scientifiques ? 

Disponible en ligne en texte intégral (, ce numéro vous invite à découvrir quelques-unes des réponses apportées par les auteurs à ces questionnements, notamment au moyen d’analyses empiriques. 

Francesca Musiani et Valérie Schafer


Fannie Valois-Nadeau – Rethinking heritagization through the digitization of familial archives. The case of Léo Gravelle’s website

Enrico Natale- Les médiations numériques du patrimoine. Le cas du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale 

Sophie Gobeil – La patrimonialisation numérique des mémoires de l’immigration maghrébine en France dans les années 2000

Camille Paloque-Berges – Vers des lieux de mémoire réticulaires ? Construire un patrimoine de la communication des sciences et des techniques du numérique 


Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay et Andres Guadamuz – Memory Hole or Right to Delist? Implications of the Right to be Forgotten for Web Archiving

Rolf H. Weber et Lennart Chrobak – Legal Implications of Digital Heritagization
Implications juridiques de la patrimonialisation numérique

Introduction au parcours guidé BnF : Le Web des années 1990

© Archives de l'internet - Bibliothèque nationale de France© BnF

L’équipe Web90 est heureuse de vous annoncer la réalisation d’un parcours guidé dans le Web des années 1990 en collaboration avec la BnF. Au fil de 11 thèmes et de la sélection d’une centaine d’archives du Web, remontez le temps et découvrez la variété, la richesse mais aussi les tâtonnements de la Toile du passé.

Web traffic analytics as a historical source


Wayback Machine, Internet Archive,

Wayback Machine, Internet Archive,

This is a guest post from Marcin Wilkowski, first published at Marcin Wilkowski is a member of the Digital Humanities Laboratory at the University of Warsaw.

Lire ce billet sur le blog Web Archives for Historians de Ian Milligan et Peter Webster.

Cfp – Computer Networks Histories : local, national and transnational perspectives

International Conference – Call for papers
14-15 December 2017 – Lugano Switzerland

Aims and scope
Recently several works in the fields of Internet Studies, Science and Technology Studies and Media Studies have stressed the importance of early local, national and transnational computer networks histories for a deeper understanding of technological and social change in contemporary societies.
This 2-days conference has a triple aim.
First, gathering scholars and researchers from a variety of disciplines working on theoretical and empirical analysis of computer networks histories.
Second, providing a wide perspective on these histories, including case studies from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania and including international organizations dealing with the control and management of networks: this interdisciplinary and international debate could be useful to compare worldwide experiences and to provide new frames on this topic.
Third, the conference aims to develop new frameworks and a space of discussion on the historical role of computer networks, representing the starting point of an international community of scholars.

Potential topics may include, but are in no way limited to, the following:
The origins and development of computer networks under a local, national, international or transnational perspective;
Political, economic and cultural representations of computer networks in Western or/and Eastern cultures;
Comparative analysis of early and late networks;
Physical infrastructures and materiality of computer networks;
The political economy of national digital infrastructures;
Histories of the digitalization of analogic networks;
The history of failed and forgotten computer networks projects;
The influence of early computer networks on the development of the Internet and of the World Wide Web;
The cultural and social history of computer networks communities (e.g. communitarian networks, academic networks, professional networks, civic networks).

All the authors are invited to send an abstract of a max 500 words and a short bio by February 28, 2017 to
All invited speakers interested in publish their papers in the journal revue Histoire et Informatique will be asked to send a paper of max 5000 words by October 31 2017.

Conference and venue
The 2-days conference will take place in Lugano, Switzerland, hosted by the Faculty of Communication Sciences of USI – Università della Svizzera italiana ( The organizing committee comes from a collaboration between the Institute of Media and Journalism (IMeG) of USI and the Association Histoire & Informatique Suisse of Bern ( grants will be available for participants without access to other financial resources (please attach the motivation and an estimate of the needed budget to your proposal).

Keynote speakers
Prof. Hu Yong (Peking University’s School of Journalism and Communication)Prof. Benjamin Peters (University of Tulsa, Department of Communication and affiliated fellow at the information Society  Project at Yale Law School)unknown

Retrouver l’appel en PDFF cfp_computer-networks-histories

AAC Le télescope à l’envers. Big data et distant reading pour les sciences humaines

Teleskopy polskiego projektu "All Sky Automated Survey". Krzysztof Ulaczyk GFDL

Teleskopy polskiego projektu “All Sky Automated Survey”.
Krzysztof Ulaczyk

L’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e le Culture Digitali (AIUCD) est heureuse d’annoncer l’édition 2017 de son colloque annuel et invite tous les spécialistes intéressés à envoyer des propositions de communications.
Le colloque AIUCD 2017 aura lieu du 26 à 28 janvier 2017 à Rome, en Italie, et sera organisé par le Digilab (université Sapienza) avec la coopération du réseau Marie-Curie DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network). Avant le colloque auront lieu des ateliers DiXiT. AIUCD 2017 accueillera également la troisième édition de l’ EADH Day, le 25 janvier 2017.
Le colloque aura lieu à l’université Sapienza, Palazzo delle ex Vetrerie Sciarra, 122 via dei Volsci, Rome.
Pour plus d’informations, consultez la page ou envoyez vos questions à

En savoir plus

Designing Publics

9780262035163Contemporary computing technologies have thoroughly embedded themselves in every aspect of modern life—conducting commerce, maintaining and extending our networks of friends, and mobilizing political movements all occur through a growing collection of devices and services designed to keep and hold our attention. Yet what happens when our attention needs to be more local, collective, and focused on our immediate communities? Perhaps more important, how can we imagine and create new technologies with local communities? In Designing Publics, Christopher Le Dantec explores these questions by designing technologies with the urban homeless. Drawing on a case study of the design of a computational infrastructure in a shelter for homeless women and their children, Le Dantec theorizes an alternate vision of design in community contexts.

Focusing on collective action through design, Le Dantec investigates the way design can draw people together on social issues and create and sustain a public. By “designing publics” he refers both to the way publics arise out of design intervention and to the generative action publics take—how they “do design” as they mobilize and act in the world. This double lens offers a new view of how design and a diverse set of design practices circulate in sites of collective action rather than commercial production.

About the Author
Christopher A. Le Dantec is Assistant Professor of Digital Media in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Parution en septembre 2016, MIT Press.

En savoir plus

Décoder des codes

Séminaire annuel du Carism 2016-2017, en partenariat avec l’ISCC, organisé par Cécile Méadel, Francesca Musiani et Guillaume Sire


La première séance aura lieu le mardi 6 décembre 2016 en salle 315, de 17h à 19h et accueillera Laurent Bloch, chercheur en cyberstratégie, membre de l’Institut de l’économie.

Lieu : Université Panthéon-Assas / 92 rue d’Assas, 75 006 Paris – Salle 315 – 3e étage.
Métros Vavin et Notre-Dame-des-champs.
RER Luxembourg (sortie Auguste Comte).

L’accès aux séances du séminaire est ouvert à tous et gratuit sous condition d’inscription en avisant l’adresse

Cfp Journal Internet histories : submissions open

capture-decran-2016-10-04-a-17-30-56Find out how to submit to the journal at

The title of the journal, Internet Histories , suggests there is not one single and fixed Internet history going straight from Arpanet to the Internet as we know it today, from United States to a world-wide network. Rather, there are multiple local, regional and national paths and a variety of ways that the internet has been imagined, designed, used, shaped, and regulated around the world. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society aims to publish a range of scholarship that examines the global and internetworked nature of the digital world as well as situated histories that account for diverse local contexts.