1ères découvertes de la Toile, site de Nicolas Pioch sur le Louvre, Madonna & Hillary, #Web90@lmerzeau @BGThierry https://t.co/HDfVqJkNfn
— VSchafer (@valerie_schafer) August 23, 2016
Archives mensuelles : août 2016
Finding Popular Images within a Web Archive: Exploring GeoCities
Culture visuelle, recherche d’images et de leurs circulations dans les archives du Web … un nouvel article de Ian Milligan à découvrir sur son blog Digital History, Web Archives, and the History of 20th Century Canada
A philosophy of weaving the web
An interview with media theorist Sebastian Giessmann by Geert Lovink publié le 11 juillet 2016.
Fascinating interview on the cultural history of networks with @sebgiessmann by @glovink: https://t.co/QUCIirsLZC pic.twitter.com/mj2RctfzQN
— jonathan w. y. gray 🐼 @jwyg@post.lurk.org 🐘 (@jwyg) July 29, 2016
La collecte annuelle des archives du Web …
… un travail qui demande force et résistance … Incredible !
We like to get a celebrity in to launch the annual crawl. This year we have The Hulk!#UKDomainCrawl16 ready…… pic.twitter.com/cMLDZOjNml
— UK Web Archive (@UKWebArchive) August 19, 2016
Pouvoir, histoire du Web et archives
4èmes journées suisses d’histoire, juin 2016, Lausanne, itw pour infoclio.ch réalisée par Enrico Natale.
Interactions hommes/machines
50 ans d’interaction homme-machine : retours vers le futur avec Michel Beaudouin-Lafon https://t.co/RAMbHgmyjb #IHM pic.twitter.com/VqKASVIMz8
— Interstices (@interstices_eu) July 4, 2016
Cfp: Lives of Data
Call for Abstracts – Lives of Data’ Workshop, 06-07 January 2017, The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of… https://t.co/pynK3ef6r7
— Sandeep Mertia (@SandeepMertia) July 19, 2016
No More 404s! Resurrect dead web pages with our new Firefox add-on
Pour en savoir plus sur l’initiative d’Internet Archive en lien avec Mozilla.
Call for papers on Digital Preservation for Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues
Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues invites submissions for a themed issue on Digital Preservation.
The scale and diversity of digital collections in national memory institutions has grown immensely over the past decades. The challenges of maintaining and preserving these collections for future generations have been recognized and addressed in various forms, and solution maturity at an international level is diverse. To reflect this diversity and share experiences across the international stage, Alexandria is seeking articles on practical implementation models for digital preservation, staffing and embedding digital preservation expertise, holistic and sustainable solutions, and the implications of local, national and collaborative strategies.
A process of double peer review will be applied. Abstracts are due Tuesday 1 November 2016 and the full manuscript for selected articles will be due Friday 31 March 2017. The themed issue will be published in Summer 2017.
- Abstracts should be no more than 1000 words.
- Full articles should be between 4000 and 7500 words long.
- Short communications should be no more than 3000 words long.
Author guidelines are available at https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/alexandria/journal202510#submission-guidelines
Suggested topics : see here
This themed issue will be edited by Maureen Pennock (Head of Digital Preservation at the British Library) and Libor Coufal (Assistant Director, Digital Preservation at the National Library of Australia). Queries about the suitability of a topic should be addressed in the first instance to the Journal Editor, Monica Blake ( info@blakeinformation.com), or Assistant Editor, Lyn Robinson ( L.Robinson@city.ac.uk).
Special issue : The Web’s first 25 years
A special issue on 25 years of the web, edited by Niels Brügger, is out in New Media & Society: http://nms.sagepub.com/content/18/7.toc
IIPC Crawler hackathon
22 – 23 SEPTEMBER 2016,
Call for Participation: https://t.co/Igs2ub10JG— IIPC (@NetPreserve) July 19, 2016
Curation and research use of the past Web (Lisbonne, 29-30 mars 2017)
Web archiving efforts have now been underway for over twenty years, generating an expanding core of data crucial for present and future explorations of human political, cultural, economic and social activity since the mid 1990s. Practices around both the creation and use of web archives are rapidly evolving. What technical, ethical, and institutional approaches are necessary to advance use of web archives for scholarship and other use cases? How are researchers using the archived web right now, and in which new directions is that research heading? What innovations, collaborations, and adaptations are necessary to sustain the efficacy of web archiving?
The 2017 Web Archiving Conference (WAC), held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), aims to bring together practitioners, librarians, archivists, historians, humanists, computer scientists, and other parties interested in expanding and harnessing the potential of preserved web heritage.
We welcome proposals on a broad range of topics, including from the following examples:
- Research using web archives
- Tools and approaches
- Initiatives, platforms, and collaborations
- User-driven curation
- Ethical and compliant research use
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Harvesting, preservation, and/or access
- Collection development
- Legal and ethical concerns
- Programmatic organization and management
- New/updated tools for any part of the lifecycle
- Application programming interfaces (APIs)
- Current and future landscape
Proposals may be submitted for any of the following formats:
- Individual presentation for a 30-minute session (i.e., 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions);
- Moderated discussion or multi-presentation panel for a 60-minute session;
- Moderated discussion or multi-presentation panel for a 90-minute session; or
- Poster with accompanying lightning talk.
Time will additionally be reserved in the schedule for the proposal of lightning talks much closer to the event to allow for more timely sharing of recent updates.
Please submit your proposals using this form. For questions, please e-mail wac17@iipc.simplelists.com.
The deadline for submissions is 20 October 2016. All submissions will be reviewed by the WAC17 Programme Committee and submitters will be notified by 1 December 2016.
For more information and updates, see:
@NetPreserve #iipcGA17 #iipcWAC17
Il y a tout juste 25 ans …

An early color screenshot of the WorldWideWeb browser
25 years ago, on 6 August 1991, Tim Berners-Lee, posted information about the WorldWideWeb project on the newsgroup (like a message board) alt.hypertext and invited wide collaboration – marking, in one email, the Web’s introduction to the wider world.
voir la suite sur le site du W3C
PS: merci à Eric Arrivé de nous avoir signalé cette ressource.
Un air de vacances …
Pub Degriftour (22 Mai 2000)
Pub WAP Itinéris (19 juin 2000)