Mass Effect: Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century

9780262029261Edited by Lauren Cornell and Ed Halter

Since the turn of the millennium, the Internet has evolved from what was merely a new medium to a true mass medium—with a deeper and wider cultural reach, greater opportunities for distribution and collaboration, and more complex corporate and political realities. Mapping a loosely chronological series of formative arguments, developments, and happenings, Mass Effect provides an essential guide to understanding the dynamic and ongoing relationship between art and new technologies.

Mass Effect brings together nearly forty contributions, including newly commissioned essays and reprints, image portfolios, and transcribed discussion panels and lectures that offer insights and reflections from a wide range of artists, curators, art historians, and bloggers. Among the topics examined are the use of commercial platforms for art practice, what art means in an age of increasing surveillance, and questions surrounding such recent concepts as “postinternet.” Other contributions analyze and document particular works by the artists of And/Or Gallery, Cory Arcangel, DIS, Cao Fei, the Radical Software Group, and others.

Mass Effect relaunches a publication series initiated by the MIT Press and the New Museum in 1984, which produced six defining volumes for the field of contemporary art. These new volumes will build on this historic partnership and reinvigorate the conversation around contemporary culture once again.

Copublished with the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York

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Séminaire Cultures numériques

 La première séance de l’année du séminaire “cultures numériques” se tiendra le samedi 13 février, de 14h à 16h, dans la Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, (BIS) – salle de formation.

Le séminaire est ouvert à tous (sur inscription en raison des consignes de sécurité) et s’adresse à tous les acteurs du monde numérique : chercheurs, étudiants, responsable de fabrication, éditeurs…
Inscription et renseignement :

Les nouveaux paradigmes de la culture numérique
 Samedi 13 février – 14h – 16h

Avenir de l’écrit et langages  numériques : une perspective socio-anthropo-historique sur la longue durée.
Georges BERTIN, directeur de recherches CNAM Pays de la Loire, président de CENA, directeur d’Esprit Critique.

Grandes mutations de paradigmes : l’impact des dispositifs d’écriture-lecture sur nos représentations du monde
 Lorenzo SOCCAVO, chercheur associé au programme de recherche “Éthiques et Mythes de la Création” à l’Institut Charles Cros. Prospectiviste du livre et de la lecture à Paris.

Organisation : Thibaud Zuppinger

Programme :
Samedi 19 mars 10h-12h / Les nouvelles socialités
 Samedi 23 avril 10h-12h / Les carrefours de l’édition scientifique
Samedi 21 mai 10h- 12h / La symbolique du livre
Samedi 18 juin 2016 10h- 12h  / Interactions et accompagnements numériques

CfP Social media: between freedom and utopia (Essachess)

Guest editor: Philippe Viallon, Full Professor, Unesco Chair “Journalistic and media practices”, University of Strasbourg, France

The CfP

Important Deadlines

February 1, 2016: submission of the proposal in the form of an abstract of maximum 2 pages. The proposal must include a list of recent references;
Mars 1, 2016: acceptance of the proposal;
July 30, 2016: full paper submission;
October 1st, 2016: full paper acceptance.

Découvrir la revue Essachess


CFP- Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Barcelona- Aug 31- Sept 3

Track 066- Infrastructures of Evil: Participation, Collaboration, Maintenance


Convenors: Christopher Kelty (UCLA), Joan Donovan (UCLA), Aaron Panofsky (UCLA)

Short Abstract

Explores the dark side of infrastructure and how participation, collaboration and maintenance can be looked at from the perspective of illegitimacy, inequality, and evil. Papers will address under-researched, unintended or surprising aspects of science, engineering and infrastructures.

Continuer la lecture

The Internet Archive Turns 20: A Behind The Scenes Look At Archiving The Web

IA PetaBox Tuankiet65 CC BY-SA 2.0

IA PetaBox
CC BY-SA 2.0

Cet article de Kalev Leetaru dans Forbes permet de pénétrer notamment la fabrique des archives du Web d’Internet Archive mais aborde également les questions relatives aux robots.txt ou le projet No More 404 soutenu par GDELT Project, Wikipedia and WordPress.