Étude bibliographique sur les humanités numériques francophones : http://t.co/8BzQnyA6hT
— Stéphane Vial (@svial) August 29, 2015
Program Conference “Changing platforms of memory Practices” and pre-conference event.
The program “Changing platforms of Memory Practices-Conference” in Groningen, September 10-12 that is now online. One of the key note speakers is Megan Sapnar Ankerson talking about “My Personal Web History: Using the Wayback Machine as Technology of memory”.
Other interesting panel speakers for this list will be Catherine Summerhayes (Australian National University) talking about Google earth as a site for remembering and erasure and Niels Kerssens (University of Amsterdam) about the various traditions of practice and discourse around the relationship humans historically had with computers, Rik Smit (University of Groningen) about Sociotechnical Practices of the “New Memory Ecology”.
As a pre-event to the conference, there will be an expert meeting on September 10 about Hands-On History Exploring New Methodologies for Media Research, Teaching, and Curating.
How can we challenge the exclusively textual approaches to media history and opt for a more experimental and hands-on approach to cultural heritage? The University of Groningen’s Film Archive and the Network for Experimental Media Archaeology, focused on media heritage, are working on innovative methodologies for engaging with past media technologies by creating situations of re-use to experience and understand the complex relationship between the materiality of media devices and the performative qualities of such objects.
You are kindly invited to the presentation of their concept of a new digital platform used for the recording and sharing of data and experiments, and to discuss new, experimental, apparatus-oriented forms of media research, teaching, and curating. Among Speakers are Giovanna Fossati (Eye Film Institute The Netherlands / University of Amsterdam), Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg University), Annie van den Oever, Bernd Warnders, and André Rosendaal (University of Groningen), Andrea Haller (Deutsches Filminstitut / German Film Museum Frankfurt am Main), Ludwig Vogl Bienek (University of Trier), Nick Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London), Johan Oomen (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision).
The event will take place in Infoversum’s 3D Dome and its director, astronomer Shawn Laatsch, will demonstrate the specific technologies and value of the 3D Dome for academic research and education as part of the program.
You can now register: http://changingplatforms.eventbrite.nl
For more updates see: https://homemoviesproject.wordpress.com/
The Unknown Aspects of Web Archives (Helen Hockx-Yu)
This article was written for and accepted by RESAW Conference, “Web Archives as Scholarly Sources: Issues, Practices and Perspectives”, 8 – 10 June 2015, Aarhus University, Denmark.
50 years ago today the word “hypertext” was introduced. Q&A with Ted Nelson, by Byron Reese @byronreese | Gigaom https://t.co/pFTqVEI2VF
— Jose Afonso Furtado (@jafurtado) August 24, 2015
AAC “Médiation des mémoires en ligne”, Revue « Les Cahiers du Numérique »
Ce numéro des Cahiers du Numérique propose de questionner, à l’heure du numérique, l’évolution des pratiques professionnelles et amateur de collecte et de valorisation des mémoires filmées qu’elles concernent l’histoire contemporaine, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, l’ethnomusicologie ou encore l’action culturelle et l’intermédialité (liste non exhaustive). Les contributions, transdisciplinaires, éclaireront la manière dont le numérique conduit à reconsidérer les différentes étapes de cette mise en mémoire. Qu’est‐ce qui change quant la valorisation des entretiens est à la portée du plus grand nombre ? Qu’est‐ce qui évolue quand les récits mémoriels filmés sont intégrés à des plateformes plurimédia? Quels usages sont fait de ces images par les individus, par les groupes de mémoires et par les institutions ? Est‐ce que cela transforme la façon dont les communautés mobilisent le support mémoriel qu’est l’acteur de l’histoire filmé ? Quels matériaux pour l’histoire ou la sociologie peuvent être ainsi produits ? Cela n’est pas uniquement à interroger d’un point de vue technologique, mais aussi en termes de pratiques et d’usages artistiques, culturels et sociaux des dites technologies. Il s’agira ainsi, de se demander ce qui fait rupture au tournant du XXIe siècle, ainsi que ce qui relève de l’ordre de la continuité.
Responsables scientifiques
- Claire Scopsi (Maitre de Conférences, Dicen-Idf CNAM Paris)
- Rémy Besson (Postdoctorant à l’Université de Montréal)
En savoir plus
« Médiation des mémoires en ligne », Appel à contribution, Calenda, Publié le lundi 20 juillet 2015, http://calenda.org/335437
- Intention de soumission : 25/09/2015
- Notification aux auteurs : 10/10/2015
- Date limite de soumission : 20/12/2015
- Date de notification d’acceptation aux auteurs : 1/02/2016
- Date de la version finale : 15/03/2016
- Remise éditeur : avril 2016
- Parution du numéro spécial : juin 2016
Internet et ouverture
"The Internet’s History Isn’t As 'Open' As You Think" http://t.co/dUY0OzgwFt by @RussellProf (History was rewritten by the protocol victors)
— Martin Geddes (@martingeddes) August 23, 2015
CfP Entangled History from a Media Perspective: International and Transcultural Communication History
8th annual conference of the Network for International and Intercultural Communication in Dortmund (Germany), January 2016
This upcoming event will be a joint conference of the divisions for International and Intercultural Communication and Communication History of the German Association for Communication Studies.
The conference will take place in the Institute for Newspaper Research, Dortmund.
Abstracts for presentations are expected to be submitted no later than August 31, 2015 and should be send to niik@zedat.fu-berlin.de.
Detailed call for papers here:
Continuer la lecture
Hands-On History
Hands-On History. Exploring New Methodologies for Media History Research
8—10 February 2016
Geological Society, London
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
Prof. Susan J. Douglas (Professor of Communication Studies, University of Michigan)
Dr. Gerard Alberts (Associate Professor of the History of Mathematics and Computing, University of Amsterdam)
Prof. Annie van den Oever (Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen)
Prof. Andreas Fickers (Faculté des Lettres, des Sciences Humaines, des Arts et des Sciences de l’Education, University of Luxembourg)
“Media Scholars and Amateurs of All Countries and Disciplines, Hands-on!”
Recent years have witnessed a growing turn to experimental historical research in the history of media technologies. In addition to archival investigation and oral history interviews, historians and enthusiasts are increasingly uncovering histories of technology through hands-on exercises in simulation and re-enactment. Equipment lovingly restored by amateurs, or preserved by national heritage collections, is being placed in the hands of the people who once operated it, provoking a new and rich flood of memories.
The turn to experimental research raises profound methodological questions. The unreliability of narrative memory is well proven, but what do we know about the limits of haptic and tactile memory? To what extent is it possible to elicit useful memories of technological arrays when parts of those arrays are missing or non-functional? How do the owners of old equipment shape the historical narratives which are stimulated by their collections?
Hands-On History is a colloquium designed to facilitate discussion of these issues between historians, users, curators and archivists (amateur and professional) who are making use of and taking part in these historical enquiries. In addition to a series of keynote presentations by leading scholars in the field, the event will also include stimulating workshops on specific focus areas. While the focus of the event will be on media technologies, broadly defined, we invite contributions from other areas of technology and from other academic disciplines.
Assistant Professor, History of Digital Media
Apply at https://recruit.ucsc.edu/apply/JPF00299 Refer to Position JPF00299-16 in all correspondence.
Le qualitatif à l’ère numérique, 4e festival suisse des méthodes qualitatives et mixtes
La quatrième édition du « Festival suisse des méthodes » se déroulera les lundi 7 et mardi 8 septembre à l’Université de Lausanne (quartier Mouline, bâtiment Géopolis). Comme lors des précédentes éditions, le Festival se propose de présenter les innovations récentes dans le domaine des méthodes qualitatives et mixtes. Cette année offre cependant une nouveauté : par le biais de cours thématiques et lors des séances plénières, la manifestation mettra un accent particulier sur l’usage de méthodes qualitatives dans la recherche consacrée aux nouvelles technologies.
Le Festival offre une plateforme aux chercheuses et chercheurs des sciences sociales et humaines (et spécialement aux doctorant-e-s et post-doctorant-e-s) pour échanger et connaître de nouvelles méthodes. Il vise également à réunir la communauté de recherche qualitative active en Suisse romande et se déroulera principalement en langue française. Plus concrètement, des spécialistes renommé-e-s seront à disposition pour discuter de l’application de méthodes et théories dans le cadre des ateliers de recherche prévus. Les participants qui le désirent auront ainsi l’occasion d’aborder des questions au plus proche de leurs propres préoccupations.
« Le qualitatif à l’ère numérique », Colloque, Calenda, Publié le mardi 30 juin 2015,http://calenda.org/333652
Entretien de Lori Emerson avec John Day
What’s Wrong With the Internet & How We Can Fix It: Interview With Internet Pioneer John Day | By lori emerson – http://t.co/0nY0liARQc
— furtherfield (@furtherfield) July 28, 2015
The Great Web 1.0 Revival
Pour les nostalgiques des gifs animés, de Flash, de l’intimité du Web des débuts, du “handmade web” ou encore Put HTML … The Great Web Revival 1.0
SIGCIS Workshop 2015: Infrastructures
Ted Nelson
Dechow, D., Struppa, D. (Eds.), Intertwingled. The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, Springer, 2015.
This engaging volume celebrates the life and work of Theodor Holm “Ted” Nelson, a pioneer and legendary figure from the history of early computing. Presenting contributions from world-renowned computer scientists and figures from the media industry, the book delves into hypertext, the docuverse, Xanadu and other products of Ted Nelson’s unique mind. Features: includes a cartoon and a sequence of poems created in Nelson’s honor, reflecting his wide-ranging and interdisciplinary intellect; presents peer histories, providing a sense of the milieu that resulted from Nelson’s ideas; contains personal accounts revealing what it is like to collaborate directly with Nelson; describes Nelson’s legacy from the perspective of his contemporaries from the computing world; provides a contribution from Ted Nelson himself. With a broad appeal spanning computer scientists, science historians and the general reader, this inspiring collection reveals the continuing influence of the original visionary of the World Wide Web.