Patrimoine culturel immatériel et numérique: transmission, participation, enjeux

Quatrième séminaire international du CFPCI, Vitré, mardi 8 et mercredi 9 septembre 2015

Voir le programme provisoire

Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (CFPCI) Maison des Cultures du Monde – Vitré (35) logo_CFPCI

En collaboration avec le laboratoire Geriico (université de Lille III)
Avec le soutien de la direction générale des Patrimoines, département du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique (ministère de la Culture et de la Communication)
Ainsi que le partenariat de l’université nationale de Chonbuk (République de Corée) et de la chaire UNESCO ITEN (université de Paris VIII)

AAC revue Socio: Liens sociaux numériques

Résumé: Les technologies d’information et de communication (TIC) informent nos sociétés contemporaines dans de vastes domaines : organisation du travail, méthodes de management, communication et médias, mobilisations politiques, relations interpersonnelles, éducation et modalités de l’apprentissage/transmission, liens familiaux et amicaux, modes de socialisation, sociabilité et loisirs… La discipline sociologique, comme d’autres approches (les sciences de l’information et de la communication, notamment), s’est saisie de ces transformations et de ces technologies pour en conduire diverses analyses.

Coordinateurs du dossier: Olivier Martin et Eric Dagiral

En savoir plus: « Liens sociaux numériques », Appel à contribution, revue Socio, Calenda, Publié le mercredi 15 juillet 2015,

Ian Milligan et le dépôt légal du Web: visite à la British Library

Work by Skyring  CC BY-SA 3.0

Work by Skyring
CC BY-SA 3.0

Web Archive Legal Deposit: A Double-Edged Sword

” (…) I wondered how this would all work out, so on my way back from the Web Archives as Scholarly Sources conference in Denmark, I decided to make a quick two-day stop in London. There, I had the opportunity to stop by the UK Web Archive at the British Library.”

Lire la suite du billet de Ian Milligan 

I Am Error

9780262028776_0Nathan Altice, I Am Error. The Nintendo Family Computer / Entertainment System Platform, The MIT Press, May 2015.

In the 1987 Nintendo Entertainment System videogame Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, a character famously declared: I AM ERROR. Puzzled players assumed that this cryptic mesage was a programming flaw, but it was actually a clumsy Japanese-English translation of “My Name is Error,” a benign programmer’s joke. In I AM ERROR Nathan Altice explores the complex material histories of the Nintendo Entertainment System (and its Japanese predecessor, the Family Computer), offering a detailed analysis of its programming and engineering, its expressive affordances, and its cultural significance.

Nintendo games were rife with mistranslated texts, but, as Altice explains, Nintendo’s translation challenges were not just linguistic but also material, with consequences beyond simple misinterpretation. Emphasizing the technical and material evolution of Nintendo’s first cartridge-based platform, Altice describes the development of the Family Computer (or Famicom) and its computational architecture; the “translation” problems faced while adapting the Famicom for the U.S. videogame market as the redesigned Entertainment System; Nintendo’s breakthrough console title Super Mario Bros. and its remarkable software innovations; the introduction of Nintendo’s short-lived proprietary disk format and the design repercussions on The Legend of Zelda; Nintendo’s efforts to extend their console’s lifespan through cartridge augmentations; the Famicom’s Audio Processing Unit (APU) and its importance for the chiptunes genre; and the emergence of software emulators and the new kinds of play they enabled.

CfP The power of algorithms. Digital technologies and power relations in the 20th and 21st century

The 4th Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences (9th-11th of June 2016 at the University of Lausanne) has launched a call for papers on the following topic: ”The power of algorithms. Digital technologies and power relations in the 20th and 21st century.” Contributions with an historical approach from all fields of the humanities and social sciences are welcome.


Unlike individual and collective agents, technological developments are often perceived as being neutral, when it comes to their intentions or effects. This panel questions this notion considering the recent history of digital technologies and the Internet. The panel’s subject is the power of algorithms, namely the role of digital technologies in power relations from the second half of the 20th century up to the present. The panel is interested in concrete case studies that demonstrate how the development or implementation of digital technologies modified established power balances. These case studies might also focus on the power struggles surrounding the development of digital technologies. From their very beginning, in particular during their first years of existence, digital technologies have been complex and expensive. Are they therefore first and foremost reserved for an elite? What consequences does the generalized digitization of communications have for the relations between producers and users of digital technologies? Is the growing mass of users and data producers increasingly at the mercy of monopolizing technology suppliers? Who are possible mediators between these two parties?

Growing amounts of available data volumes are exploited more and more, typically by organizations, and then re-used in numerous ways. Analyses of the role of computer science in the management and decision-making process of enterprises are thus very welcome; in particular those questioning the effects of said technologies on hierarchic relationships.

In this context research might also focus on hijackings of digital technologies for subversive purposes and their mobilization by anti-establishment movements. Among the most widespread demands surrounding digital technologies are free access and global exchange of information. These demands circumvent and challenge numerous traditional power spheres, be it by the targeted publication of confidential information, by the analysis of huge volumes of data or by the open interpretation of copyright legislation. At this crossroads of global exchanges and national interests, one encounters strong tensions and a re-nationalization of cyberspace, when it comes to issues such as surveillance and the control of the Internet.
Continuer la lecture

What Do Anniversaries Mean?

Marc Weber, fondateur et  responsable du CHM’s Internet History Program au Computer History Museum revient sur les 40 ans du procole TCP/IP célébrés en 2014.

President George W. Bush stands with Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients, Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005, during ceremonies at the White House.  photo by Paul Morse (public domain)

President George W. Bush stands with Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients, Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005, during ceremonies at the White House.
photo by Paul Morse (public domain)

Son billet reprend les grandes lignes de son article:

Weber M., “TCP at 40: Celebrating the Conception of Internet Protocols,” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, juillet-septembre 2014.

meta/morphoses. Les archives, bouillons de culture numérique

image001L’Association des archivistes français (AAF) organise, au printemps 2016 (30, 31 mars et 1er avril), à Troyes, la deuxième édition de son Forum des archivistes. Comme nous partageons tous aujourd’hui le constat que le numérique a envahi toutes les facettes et fonctions des archives, cette deuxième édition du Forum de l’AAF se propose de questionner les métamorphoses des archives au contact du numérique, suivant une double approche, épistémologique et méthodologique.

Appel à communication

Formulaire pour soumettre les contributions

CFP: “Critical Data Studies” – Big Data & Society Special Theme

*Extended Deadline July 24th* – CFP: “Critical Data Studies” – Big Data & Society Special Theme

Guest Editors: Andrew Iliadis (Purdue University) and Federica Russo (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Critical Data Studies (CDS) is a growing field of research that focuses on the unique theoretical, ethical, and epistemological challenges posed by “Big Data.” Rather than treat Big Data as a scientifically empirical, and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages. Assemblages is a concept that helps capture the multitude of ways that already-composed data structures inflect and interact with society, its organization and functioning, and the resulting impact on individuals’ daily lives. CDS questions the many assumptions about data that permeate contemporary literature on information and society by locating instances where data may be naively taken to denote objective and transparent informational entities.

CDS may be viewed as an emerging field connected to Information Ethics, Software Studies, and Critical Information Studies in that it seeks to question the ethical import of information and Big Data for society. Problems of causality, quality, security, and uncertainty concern CDS scholars. Recent articles outlining the theoretical program of CDS offer a new platform from which to question data in this manner. We seek essays for this special volume that broaden these latest commitments in CDS to include new empirical research projects on information and communication technologies (ICTs) that fall under the umbrella of Big Data, while also seeking to question their attendant epistemological shifts. Through the critical lens of ethics and morality, this special volume opens up CDS to localizations where Big Data can no longer be seen as neutral, and where an ethics of Big Data might emerge.

Issues of interest include (but are not limited to):
– Causality: how should we find causes in the era of ‘data-driven science?’ Do we need a new conception of causality to fit with new practices?
– Quality: how should we ensure that data are good enough quality for the purposes for which we use them? What should we make of the open access movement; what kind of new technologies might be needed?
– Security: how can we adequately secure data, while making it accessible to those who need it? How do we protect databases?
– Uncertainty: can Big Data help with uncertainty, or does it generate new uncertainties? What technologies are essential to reduce uncertainty elements in data-driven sciences?

The Materiality of the Internet

Les Internet Studies et Code Studies, le Material Turn et les approches STS font émerger des questions sur la matérialité de l’Internet pressenties par l’historien Paul E. Ceruzzi dans:

an_green“The Materiality of the Internet”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol.28, no. 3, pp. 96, c3, July-September 2006, doi:10.1109/MAHC.2006.58


Abstract: The Internet is a technological construction with a magnitude and scope comparable to the hydroelectric dams, railroads, aircraft, and electric power systems of an earlier era. Yet, it has no obvious physical manifestation–no physical object we can point to that obviously and unambiguously represents it. This article suggests some of the reasons why that is and whether a physical essence is important in defining large-scale technological systems.

Un article à redécouvrir …

Computer security


man20150200c1-200x273Computer Security [Guest editors’ introduction]

Issue No.02 – Apr.-June (2015 vol.37)
pp: 6-7
Jeffrey R. Yost, Charles Babbage Institute
Few areas of computing capture more headlines today than cybersecurity. Yet, with few exceptions, historians have barely scratched the surface of the rich history of computer security (beginning with time-sharing in the 1960s) due in large part to lack of relevant archival and other source materials. This issue is the first of two Annals special issues publishing revised papers from the National Science Foundation’s Computer Security History Workshop, which gathered historians and pioneers at the Charles Babbage Institute in July 2014. It markedly advances scholarship on many different critical aspects of computer security history.