Archives mensuelles : mars 2015
Connected Life 2015
Derniers jours pour répondre à l’appel (date limite 31 mars 2015)
Connected Life 2015 is a day-long conference dedicated to igniting multidisciplinary exchanges and showcasing exciting Internet research. We welcome students and faculty from all disciplines, including (but not limited to) business, computer science, economics, education, history, international relations, law, linguistics, literature, media and communications, medicine, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology. Like last year’s inaugural conference, Connected Life 2015 will foster collaborations within and beyond Oxford in pursuit of an enhanced understanding of the Internet and its multifaceted effects upon society.
Journée d’étude Attention(s) aux internautes, 11 mai 2015, ISCC
Attention(s) aux internautes
Des années 1990 à aujourd’hui.
Des pop-up à l’économie de l’attention, du nommage aux profils, de la naissance du Web aux traces post-mortem.
Lundi 11 mai 2015
9h – 17h30
A l’Institut des sciences de la communication
20 rue Berbier-du-Mets 75 013 Paris
Métro ligne 7 ou bus 27, 47, 83, 91 (Les Gobelins)
Journée co-organisée par le projet Web90 (ANR-14-CE29-0012-01), l’ANR ENEID, les séminaires “Identités numériques” et “Histoires de l’Internet” du pôle Trajectoires du numériques de l’ISCC.
Entrée libre sur inscription auprès de
Cette journée souhaite interroger les évolutions qui ont traversé le Web, ses usages et ses acteurs depuis les années 1990 autour de la thématique de l’attention. Du nommage au profilage, des compteurs et premières bannières à une véritable économie de l’attention et de la recommandation, des premières interfaces Web au développement du Web Design, des identités numériques en gestation jusqu’aux identités post-mortem, nous analyserons l’évolution de l’attention portée aux internautes, à leurs identités, à leurs expressions numériques et celle que l’on cherche à susciter de leur part. Plusieurs dimensions seront prises en compte et croisées qu’elles soient techniques, sociales, économiques, politiques, juridiques, éthiques ou encore cognitives.
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Données de la recherche, questions juridiques et éthiques
MT @LabexMed Questions juridiques et éthiques. Diffusion des données numériques de la recherche, 30/03 à la #MMSH
— Courtin Antoine (@seeksanusername) March 24, 2015
Call for proposal Changing Platforms of Memory Practices. Technologies, User Generations and Amateur Media Dispositifs – March 30th
Keynote speakers:·
John Ellis, Professor of Media Arts, Royal Holloway, University of London
Roger Odin, Professeur Émérite – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
José van Dijck, Professor of Comparative Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
Call for proposals:
We currently witness a process of rapid transition of mediated memory practices. Digital media platforms like YouTube enable the distribution of private audiovisual memories that differ radically from past amateur practices and media uses. The conference aims to grasp the technical, social and cultural dimensions and changes in the use of technologies of memory, such as home movies, home videos, sound recording and digital technologies. We propose to explore the complex relationship between media technologies, user generations, and mediated memory practices from both a contemporary and long term historical perspective. Papers might focus on the operationalization of concepts of, e.g. dispositif, user generations, media archaeology, socio-technical ensembles or media ecologies.
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What ’90s Movies Got Wrong About the Internet
CfP Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Editor-in-Chief: Roberto Scopigno, Institute of Computer Science and Technologies (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR), Italy
*Topics include:*
# On-site and remotely sensed data collection
# Enhanced 2D media for CH
# 3D digital artifact capture, representation and manipulation
# Tools for reconstruction and processing of digital representations
# Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing for
CH multimedia repositories
# Analytic tools to assist scholars’ research on collections or artifacts
# ICT assistance in monitoring and restoration
# Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
# Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies for virtual and digital museums
# Human-Computer interfaces for virtual and digital museums
# Story-telling and other forms of communication, multimedia systems
# Serious games
# Web-based and mobile technologies for CH
# Long term preservation of digital artifacts
# Provenance, copyright and IPR
# Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance,
audio, dance, oral heritage)
# ICT technologies in support of creating new cultural experiences or
digital artifacts
# Applications (e.g. in Education and Tourism)
*Visit for further information or to submit your manuscript.*
CfP Web Archives 2015: Capture, Curate, Analyze, Nov. 12-13, 2015, University of Michigan
Conference: Web Archives 2015 Capture, Curate, Analyze November 12-13 – University of Michigan Ann Arbor
— IIPC (@NetPreserve) March 20, 2015
Le Web en mouvement …
Atelier DL Web “Des sites aux applis”, 20 mars 2015
Atelier #aidlw Des sites aux applis. Le pad est là :
— Louise Merzeau (@lmerzeau) March 20, 2015
Open Panel CFP “4S Annual Meeting”: The Epistemology of Code and Computation
Abstracts due March 29, 2015
Organizers: Evan Buswell, UC Davis (, Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur (
Quelles données pour les historiens de demain?
On historians of the future and Twitter of now – will there be data for them to study?
— Peter Webster (@pj_webster) March 16, 2015
MeCCSA 2016 Conference – Call for Papers
MeCCSA 2016 Conference – Call for Papers, 6-8 January 2016, Canterbury
The theme of the MeCCSA 2016 is ‘Communities’.
Deadline for proposals: 8 September 2015
The theme of the MeCCSA 2016 is ‘Communities’. It invites papers and panel proposals that address this theme, examining how we might advance thinking on for example: communities in the digital age; communities and the commons; communities and cultures; communities on the margins; local and community media; politics and policies of communities; community engagement and cohesion; inclusion and exclusion in communities; communities and the past; media, cultural and communication practices of different types of communities.
About MeCCSA
30 years of .com