CFP: The Organizing Committee calls for the submission of paper (15 minutes) or poster proposals to the Conference “Digital Humanities in Portugal”, which will take place at the School of Social and Human Sciences at NOVA-New University of Lisbon, on October 8-9, 2015. Proposals must be registered until March 15, 2015.
General themes: The Conference “Digital Humanities in Portugal” calls for papers or posters that demonstrate or discuss the potential of Digital Humanities for interdisciplinarity in the Humanities and with other fields of knowledge, as well as for the production of more accessible and open knowledge. Papers will be organized into six thematic sections:
– Space: Exploration of geo-referenced data in the Humanities
– Corpora: Collecting, annotating, and searching large volumes of textual information
– Virtual worlds: Recreation and exploration of human environments (present and past)
– Digital edition and preservation: Digital critical editions and heritage preservation
– Visualizations: Building visual interpretations of data in the Humanities
– Tools: Presentation and discussion of software applied to the Humanities