Web Archives as scholarly Sources: Issues, Practices and Perspectives

A two-day conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, 8-10 June 2015

Organised by RESAW, Aarhus University, the State and University Library (Denmark), the Royal Library (Denmark), l’Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS, Université de Lille 3, the Institute of Historical Research (University of London), the University of Amsterdam, the British Library, and Leibniz University Hannover/ALEXANDRIA.

The submission website is open at http://events.netlab.dk/conference. Please note that the deadline for submissions is 8 December 2014.

Important dates

  • 8 December 2014: submissions due
  • 19 January: notification of acceptance
  • 9 March 2015: registrations for presenters open
  • 20 April 2015: papers uploaded; registrations for presenters close
  • 27 April 2015: registrations for non-presenters open
  • 11 May 2015: programme released
  • 25 May 2015: registrations for non-presenters close
  • 8-10 June 2015: Conference
This multi-disciplinary conference is aimed at scholars, web archiving institutions, web archivists, curators, IT-developers, companies and public institutions interested in web archiving and research using web archives. In conjunction with the overall topic of web archives, general areas of interest include, but are not limited to: the history(ies) of the web, the changing structure of the web, material culture and display in a digital context, political and literary reputation online, public engagement online, patterns of culture online, networks of social communication, the evolution of language on the web, the history of institutions and organisations online, the history of social and political movements on the web, the relationship between image, sound and text online, the web as a forum for commemoration, health and education online, using web archives in the classroom, national/international boundaries online, approaches to web archiving, research methods for studying the archived web, providing access to the archived web…

Andrew L. Russell, Open Standards and the Digital Age History, Ideology, and Networks



Andrew L. Russell, Open Standards and the Digital Age History, Ideology, and Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2014 .

How did openness become a foundational value for the networks of the twenty-first century? Open Standards and the Digital Age answers this question through an interdisciplinary history of information networks that pays close attention to the politics of standardization. For much of the twentieth century, information networks such as the monopoly Bell System and the American military’s Arpanet were closed systems subject to centralized control. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, engineers in the United States and Europe experimented with design strategies to create new digital networks. In the process, they embraced discourses of “openness” to describe their ideological commitments to entrepreneurship, technological innovation, and participatory democracy. The rhetoric of openness has flourished – for example, in movements for open government, open source software, and open access publishing – but such rhetoric also obscures the ways the Internet and other “open” systems still depend heavily on hierarchical forms of control.

Colloque infoclio.ch 2014

Protection des données et sciences historiques

Les questions autour de la collecte et de la protection des données à caractère personnel sont aujourd’hui au centre de l’actualité nationale et internationale. Pour son sixième colloque annuel, infoclio.ch va réunir différents acteurs du monde de la recherche, de l’administration publique et de la société civile pour discuter des nouveaux défis posés par les données à caractère personnel pour les sciences historiques à l’ère numérique.

Séminaire RESAW 2014

RESAW Seminar in London, 3-4 December 2014

The second annual RESAW seminar will be held at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London on Thursday 4 December 2014. The seminar will showcase projects being developed jointly as part of the RESAW network, as well as tools, methods and projects deployed by individual network members. The RESAW seminar will be preceded by a public, one-day conference examining ‘Web archives as big data’, on Wednesday 3 December.

AAC Web25

voir l’appel complet Web25 (New Media & Society)
No doubt that the World Wide Web — or simply: the Web — has played an important role in the communicative infrastructure of most societies since the beginning of the 1990s, but when did the Web actually start? And how has the Web developed? These are the two main areas of study that this special issue intends to investigate. These questions all revolve around underlaying questions such as ”what is a start?” — ”when is something ’new’”? — ”and to what extent is it relevant to ask for clear cut dates”? This is one set of issues related to the history of the Web that this special issue of New Media & Society intends to explore and question. (…)
The historical development of the Web as well as historiographical questions related to the history of the Web constitute the second area of interest for this special issue of New Media & Society. 
The special issue is edited by Niels Brügger, the Centre for Internet Studies, and NetLab, Aarhus University, Denmark, nb@dac.au.dk.