Archives of the digital

Studies in Communication and Culture, Volume 8, n° 1, Avril 2017. Coord. de Hermann Rotermund et Christian Herzog.

Table of Contents

Archives of the digital (Hermann Rotermund and Christian Herzog)

The material of memory : Tracing archives in communication studies (Scott Timcke)

Concepts of the database in comtemporary media practice (Ruth Alexandra Moran)

On the impossibility of archiving the radio and its virtues (Wolfgang Hagen)

Lossless compression and future of memory (Marek Jancovic)

Re-using the archive in viceo posters : A win-win for users and archives (Willemien Sanders and Mariana Salgado)

Searching for in the archives. An archeology of a film’s website (Kim Louise Walden)

Logiciels libres : recherche et patrimoine

A découvrir notamment dans notre entretien pour la revue TSI avec Roberto Di Cosmo, initiateur du projet Software Heritage et qui revient aussi plus généralement sur son parcours.

Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age

David Berry & Anders Fagerjord, Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age,Polity Press, 2017. 

Berry and Fagerjord provide a compelling guide, exploring the history, intellectual work, key arguments and ideas of this emerging discipline. They also offer an important critique, suggesting ways in which the humanities can be enriched through computing, but also how cultural critique can transform the digital humanities.

Digital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community

Jesse LingelDigital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community, The MIT Press, 2017.

Whether by accidental keystroke or deliberate tinkering, technology is often used in ways that are unintended and unimagined by its designers and inventors. In Alt-People, Jessa Lingel offers an account of digital technology use that looks beyond Silicon Valley and college dropouts-turned-entrepreneurs. Instead, Lingel tells stories from the margins of countercultural communities that have made the Internet meet their needs, subverting established norms of how digital technologies should be used.

Lingel presents three case studies that contrast the imagined uses of the web to its lived and often messy practicalities. She examines a social media platform (developed long before Facebook) for body modification enthusiasts, with early web experiments in blogging, community, wikis, online dating, and podcasts; a network of communication technologies (both analog and digital) developed by a local community of punk rockers to manage information about underground shows; and the use of Facebook and Instagram for both promotional and community purposes by Brooklyn drag queens. Drawing on years of fieldwork, Lingel explores issues of alterity and community, inclusivity and exclusivity, secrecy and surveillance, and anonymity and self-promotion.

By examining online life in terms of countercultural communities, Lingel argues that looking at outsider experiences helps us to imagine new uses and possibilities for the tools and platforms we use in everyday life.

Internet Histories volumes 1 et 2

Très fière de ce premier double numéro spécial porté par des articles courts, historiographies et épistémologiques des membres du comité scientifique notamment (et dans le désordre) Janet Abbate, Andrew Russell, Richard Rogers, Gerard Alberts, Fred Turner, Finn Brunton, Jane Winters, Sandra Braman et encore bien d’autres à découvrir. Merci à eux d’avoir rendu ce numéro séminal si riche et stimulant !

voir les contributeurs et articles

Web Archiving Special Issue

Un dossier en libre accès de la revue Journal of Western Archives coordonné par Nicholas Taylor.



Developing Web Archiving Metadata Best Practices to Meet User Needs
Jackie M. Dooley, Karen Stoll Farrell, Tammi Kim, and Jessica Venlet

Case Studies


Collaboration Made It Happen! The Kansas Archive-It Consortium
Cliff Hight, Ashley Todd-Diaz, Rebecca Schulte, and Michael Church


Corpus de communication médiée par les réseaux

Ciara R. WighamGudrun LedegemCorpus de communication dédiée par les réseaux. Construction, structuration, analyse, Paris, L’Harmatan, coll. Humanités numériques, 2017. 

Cet ouvrage aborde les questions relatives au processus de construction de corpus d’interaction et de communications de type mono ou multimodal, synchrone ou asynchrone sur Internet ou via les télécommunications, en vue de la publication de tels corpus sous forme de données libres (OpenData), afin de développer des recherches communautaires : méthodologie, annotation, analyse, droits… Plusieurs genres de communication sont étudiés : la communication dans les forums de discussion, les messages SMS, les interactions ou discours sur les réseaux sociaux numériques, tels que Twitter, wikis, (type Wikipédia) ou des réseaux sociaux d’entreprise.


Panos LourdesReal-World Algorithms. A Beginner’s Guide, The MIT Press, Mars 2017.

After presenting background in pseudocode conventions, basic terminology, and data structures, chapters cover compression, cryptography, graphs, searching and sorting, hashing, classification, strings, and chance. Each chapter describes real problems and then presents algorithms to solve them.

En savoir plus

The Web as History


Introduction: The Web as History by Ralph Schroeder and Niels Brügger


  1. Analysing the UK web domain and exploring 15 years of UK universities on the web – Eric T. Meyer, Taha Yasseri, Scott A. Hale, Josh Cowls, Ralph Schroeder and Helen Margetts
  2. Live versus archive: Comparing a web archive to a population of web pages – Scott A. Hale, Grant Blank and Victoria D. Alexander
  3. Exploring the domain names of the Danish web – Niels Brügger, Ditte Laursen and Janne Nielsen


  1. The tumultuous history of news on the web – Matthew S. Weber
  2. International hyperlinks in online news media -Josh Cowls and Jonathan Bright
  3. From far away to a click away: The French state and public services in the 1990s – Valérie Schafer


  1. Welcome to the web: The online community of GeoCities during the early years of the World Wide Web – Ian Milligan
  2. Using the web to examine the evolution of the abortion debate in Australia, 2005–2015 159 – Robert Ackland and Ann Evans
  3. Religious discourse in the archived web: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, and the sharia law controversy of 2008 – Peter Webster
  4. ‘Taqwacore is Dead. Long Live Taqwacore’or punk’s not dead? : Studying the online evolution of the Islamic punk scene -Meghan Dougherty
  5. Cultures of the UK web – Josh Cowls
  6. Coda: Web archives for humanities research – some reflections  – Jane Winters

Reading the Comments

Joseph M. Beagle, Reading the Comments. Likers, Haters, and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web, The MIT Press, 2015.

Online comment can be informative or misleading, entertaining or maddening. Haters and manipulators often seem to monopolize the conversation. Some comments are off-topic, or even topic-less. In this book, Joseph Reagle urges us to read the comments. Conversations “on the bottom half of the Internet,” he argues, can tell us much about human nature and social behavior.

Reagle visits communities of Amazon reviewers, fan fiction authors, online learners, scammers, freethinkers, and mean kids. He shows how comment can inform us (through reviews), improve us (through feedback), manipulate us (through fakery), alienate us (through hate), shape us (through social comparison), and perplex us. He finds pre-Internet historical antecedents of online comment in Michelin stars, professional criticism, and the wisdom of crowds. He discusses the techniques of online fakery (distinguishing makers, fakers, and takers), describes the emotional work of receiving and giving feedback, and examines the culture of trolls and haters, bullying, and misogyny. He considers the way comment—a nonstop stream of social quantification and ranking—affects our self-esteem and well-being. And he examines how comment is puzzling—short and asynchronous, these messages can be slap-dash, confusing, amusing, revealing, and weird, shedding context in their passage through the Internet, prompting readers to comment in turn, “WTF?!?”

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