Curation and research use of the past Web (Lisbonne, 29-30 mars 2017)

Web archiving efforts have now been underway for over twenty years, generating an expanding core of data crucial for present and future explorations of human political, cultural, economic and social activity since the mid 1990s. Practices around both the creation and use of web archives are rapidly evolving. What technical, ethical, and institutional approaches are necessary to advance use of web archives for scholarship and other use cases? How are researchers using the archived web right now, and in which new directions is that research heading? What innovations, collaborations, and adaptations are necessary to sustain the efficacy of web archiving?

The 2017 Web Archiving Conference (WAC), held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), aims to bring together practitioners, librarians, archivists, historians, humanists, computer scientists, and other parties interested in expanding and harnessing the potential of preserved web heritage.

We welcome proposals on a broad range of topics, including from the following examples:


  • Research using web archives
  • Tools and approaches
  • Initiatives, platforms, and collaborations
  • User-driven curation
  • Ethical and compliant research use
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration


  • Harvesting, preservation, and/or access
  • Collection development
  • Legal and ethical concerns
  • Programmatic organization and management
  • New/updated tools for any part of the lifecycle
  • Application programming interfaces (APIs)
  • Current and future landscape

 Proposals may be submitted for any of the following formats:

  • Individual presentation for a 30-minute session (i.e., 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions);
  • Moderated discussion or multi-presentation panel for a 60-minute session;
  • Moderated discussion or multi-presentation panel for a 90-minute session; or
  • Poster with accompanying lightning talk.

 Time will additionally be reserved in the schedule for the proposal of lightning talks much closer to the event to allow for more timely sharing of recent updates.

Please submit your proposals using this formFor questions, please e-mail

The deadline for submissions is 20 October 2016. All submissions will be reviewed by the WAC17 Programme Committee and submitters will be notified by 1 December 2016.
For more information and updates, see:

@NetPreserve #iipcGA17 #iipcWAC17


AOIR Pre-conference – 404 History Not Found: Challenges in Internet History and Memory Studies

aoir2016AoIR routinely hosts several preconference workshops before the main conference. Attendees must register to attend a preconference; the price of the preconference is included as part of the main conference. All workshops will be held on October 5th.


voir la liste des pré-conférences 

Parmi elle celle organisée par Camille Paloque-Bergès (HT2S Cnam, membre de Web90 ) et Kevin Driscoll (University of Virginia):

404 History Not Found: Challenges in Internet History and Memory Studies

How did the Internet become relevant in today’s culture and politics? How were its codes and rules—whether technical, social or cultural—constructed, challenged, and normalized? How did net culture become a mass phenomenon of global importance? To understand why and how the “Internet rules” today, it is essential that we look back at the internet’s past. In this pre-conference, we will discuss the specific theoretical and methodological challenges that arise in the study of the internet through time and memory, for purposes of both historiography (what net histories and how?) and epistemology (net histories as an object of media research). Attendees will be invited to participate in three hands-on, interactive sessions organized around issues, sources and methods fundamental to researching net diachronicity.

Net history survives in unexpected places, unfolding through time and space, collapsing in on the present. The artifacts that surface may be incomplete or inscrutable absent their original contexts, requiring us to borrow creatively from other fields and develop new historical methods (Ankerson, 2011; Brügger & Finnemann, 2012; Paloque-Berges, 2016). From formal archives and oral histories to lingering web sites, software, and hardware artifacts, the material evidence of the past suggests a diversity of social, temporal, and technical regimes. Indeed, recent scholarship on early networks reveals a greater range of experiences, technologies, norms and motivations than is found in best-known histories of the internet (Brammer, 2015; Brunton, 2013; Driscoll, 2014; Hargadon, 2011; Mailland, 2015; Paloque-Berges, 2011; Rankin 2014, 2015; Russell, 2014; Russell & Schafer, 2014; Schafer & Thierry, 2012; Schulte, 2013; Streeter, 2011). In their wake, we question how to make sense of conflicts and contradictions while respecting the subjective lived experiences of individual participants. What is our responsibility to find and document hidden histories, obscure sources, and less visible networks? How will a richer understanding of the internet’s past change how we engage with its present and imagine its future?

This pre-conference will include three workshop sessions organized around core research challenges in net history: (1) epistemology, (2) sources and methodology, and (3) mediation and transmission. Selected participants, rather than present whole case studies, will intervene on specific challenges—for instance: theoretical paradoxes or deadlocks, methodological problem-solving, and demonstrations of born-digital artifacts. The audience will be involved by taking positions, suggesting ad-hoc solutions, and identifying common themes.

(…) This pre-conference will be a full-day workshop facilitated by Kevin Driscoll and Camille Paloque-Berges with support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche project Web90. The discussions and hands-on activities will be accessible to all AOIR attendees but will be especially engaging for researchers encountering issues of temporality, memory, nostalgia, or a need to “go back in time” in their own work.

En savoir plus 


Au tour d’un livre, 20 juin 2016

En ce premier jour de l’été, l’ISCC vous donne rendez-vous non pas autour d’un, mais de quatre livres parus ces derniers mois. Cette première rencontre, que nous espérons prolonger au fil des saisons, sera consacrée au numérique. 
ATT00001Christine Barats, Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Francesca Musiani, Cécile Méadel, Benjamin Thierry et Valérie Schafer animeront cette rencontre, en présence de nombreux co-auteurs. Ils croiseront leurs regards, lectures, méthodologies et dialogueront avec la salle autour de :

Manuel d’analyse du webChristine Barats (dir.), Armand Colin, coll. « U », 2016, 2e  éd.

Les Golems du numérique. Droit d’auteur et Lex Electronica,
Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Presses des Mines, coll. « Sciences sociales », 2016.

Abécédaire des architectures distribuées, Cécile Méadel et Francesca Musiani (coord.), Presses des Mines, 2015.

Connecting WomenWomen, Gender and ICT in Europe (XIXth-XXth century), Valérie Schafer et Benjamin G. Thierry (dir.), Springer, 2015.


La séance se tiendra de 16.00 à 18.30 à l’ISCC, 20 rue Berbier-du-Mets, Paris (métro Gobelins) et se prolongera autour d’un verre.

Les interfaces numériques

CC 3.0 Travail personnel Almonroth

CC 3.0
Travail personnel

Le séminaire « cultures numériques » du 18 juin 2016 14.00-16.00 aura pour thème :


Sonia Bressler – Peut-on encore penser sans Google ?

Marie de Quatrebarbes – L’ergonomie des interfaces pour appréhender le numérique.

Le séminaire est ouvert à tous (sur inscription en raison des consignes de sécurité) et s’adresse à tous les acteurs du monde numérique : chercheurs, étudiants, responsable de fabrication, éditeurs…

Inscription et renseignement :

Call for Papers: Workshop on National Webs

December 8-9, 2016

Aarhus University and the State Library, Denmark

How can you study national webs? How are national webs today different from how they were 10 years ago? Is it possible to compare national webs? And what are the IT-related challenges when doing these kinds of studies?

These are some of the questions that will be addressed at a workshop on national webs, organised by the research project ‘The historical development of the Danish web’ (supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture), in collaboration with NetLab, Aarhus University, and the State Library, Denmark

We never experience the entire national web domain when browsing the web but it is always there as a horizon, as the national context of our browsing. Studies of national webs can provide valuable knowledge about the characteristics and use of different nations’ web. Studies of the history of national webs can shed light on the development and the changing patterns and trends within and across national webs. In addition, studying the characteristics of a national web will result in a baseline for other web studies, for instance by making it possible to determine whether a specific website at a given point in time is comparatively large or small, dynamic or static etc. This will be of use when analysing in-depth the web activities that take place within a nation and to which the national web constitutes the backdrop. It will also allow for international comparisons, both current and historical.

Studies of national web domains is an emerging field within web studies, and the workshop aims to bring together scholars, web archivists, curators and IT-developers working within this area in different countries with a view to advancing the field through knowledge exchange and new possibilities for cooperation.

Submissions could include:

  • theoretical, methodological or case based studies at the intersection between national web studies and Digital Humanities
  • case studies of one or more national webs
  • contemporary cases or a historical perspective
  • theoretical reflections on studying national webs
  • methodological reflections on studying national webs, including discussions about software used for the study.

A selection of the papers from the research workshop will be considered for inclusion in a planned edited volume The Historical Web and Digital Humanities: National Web domains, to be part of a book series about digital research in the Arts and Humanities at an international publisher.

Please send an abstract of up to 300 words to Niels Brügger (, head of NetLab, Aarhus University. Abstract submission deadline: 14 August, 2016. Notification of acceptance: 1 September, 2016.

La Toile, l’histoire et l’historien

Voir le programme des 6 et 7 juin 2016.

Les journées se tiendront en salle Perroy à la Sorbonne (galerie Dumas, escalier R). Chaque intervention sera suivie d’une discussion d’une vingtaine de minutes.


  • Pôle Informatique de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Histoire (PIREH) avec le soutien du Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP)
  • Gaëtan Bonnot
  • Stéphane Lamassé

En savoir plus 

Pérenniser l’éphémère

Capture d’écran 2016-05-03 à 11.56.12ARCHIVAGE ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX, Louvain-la-Neuve, 9 et 10 mai 2016, 16e Journées des archives.

Commentaires, textes, photos et vidéos postés et relayés sur les médias sociaux : l’archiviste se retrouve aujourd’hui confronté à une forme volatile du document. Sous le titre Pérenniser l’éphémère : archivage et médias sociaux, cette 16e édition des Journées des archives se concentrera sur la question de la collecte et de l’archivage de ces nouvelles formes d’expression. Résolument tourné vers un public de chercheurs et de praticiens du secteur des archives et de la gestion documentaire, le colloque a pour ambition de démythifier ce nouvel avatar, en comprendre les mécanismes de diffusion, mais aussi d’envisager les stratégies de collecte et de pérennisation de cet éphémère.


Soirée-Débat Ce qu’Internet fait au monde social par RESET

Capture d’écran 2016-04-28 à 19.02.21Vendredi 13 Mai 2016 à 19h19
La Gaîté Lyrique


La soirée-débat organisée par la revue RESET (Recherches en Sciences Sociales sur Internet) pose la question des changements et des continuités qui accompagnent les usages d’Internet. Elle prend la forme d’une table-ronde à laquelle participent Antonio Casilli, Cécile Méadel et Dominique Pasquier, tou.te.s spécialistes des pratiques numériques et associé.e.s à la revue de différentes manières. À l’image de celle-ci, la soirée propose de revisiter les objets fondamentaux (classe, famille, travail, sociabilité…) des sciences sociales à l’heure des pratiques numériques. Quels sont les domaines où Internet a sensiblement changé les pratiques sociales ? Quels sont ceux où le réseau reproduit plus qu’il ne modifie les manières de faire ?

Le débat – entre les participants et avec le public – sera aussi l’occasion de revenir sur les différences de classe et de genre dans les pratiques numériques et sur les inégalités qui se logent dans les usages d’Internet.

Plus d’infos sur l’évènement 

En ce moment à Reykjavik …

Capture d’écran 2016-04-14 à 11.35.083 jours de conférences dédiées aux archives du Web, à la suite de l’assemblée générale de l’IIPC et déjà à mi-parcours un choix de tweets qui reflètent la diversité et la richesse des débats.


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