Pour comprendre le succès du GRUMPY CAT, des CHUCK NORRIS FACTS OU du HARLEM SHAKE…
Edited by: Laine Nooney and Laura Portwood-Stacer
Laine Nooney and Laura Portwood-Stacer, One Does Not Simply: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet Memes
Peter Lunenfeld, Barking at Memetics: The Rant That Wasn’t
Lisa Nakamura, ‘I WILL DO EVERYthing That Am Asked’: Scambaiting, Digital Show-Space, and the Racial Violence of Social Media
Patrick Davison, Because of the Pixels: On the History, Form, and Influence of MS Paint
Jason Eppink, A brief history of the GIF (so far)
Kate Brideau and Charles Berret, A Brief Introduction to Impact: ‘The Meme Font’
Nick Douglas, It’s Supposed to Look Like Shit: The Internet Ugly Aesthetic
Limor Shifman, The Cultural Logic of Photo-Based Meme Genres
An Xiao Mina, Batman, Pandaman and the Blind Man: A Case Study in Social Change Memes and Internet Censorship in China
Tim Hwang and Christina Xu, ‘Lurk More’: An Interview with the Founders of ROFLCon
Jonathan L Zittrain, Reflections on Internet Culture
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Valérie Schafer (22 décembre 2014). Journal of Visual Culture: dossier spécial Internet Memes, Décembre 2014; 13 (3). Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v9or