4-7 Oct 2017 Brno (Czech Republic)
(…) For HaPoC 2017 we welcome contributions from logicians, philosophers and historians of computing as well as from philosophically aware computer scientists and mathematicians. We also invite contributions on the use of computers in art. As HaPoC conferences aim to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions among researchers, contributions stimulating such discussions are preferable. Topics include but are not limited to:
- History of computation (computational systems, machines, mechanized reasoning, algorithms and programs, communities of computing and their paradigms,…)
- Foundational issues in computer science and computability (models of computability, Church-Turing thesis, formal systems for distributed, cloud and secure computing, semantic theories of programming languages, …)
- Philosophy of computing (computer as brain / mind, epistemological issues, …)
- Computation in the sciences (computer experiments and simulations, computer-aided systems for teaching and research, …)
- Computer and the arts (temporality in digital art; narration in interactive art work, speculative software, programming as a deferred action, computing and affect, performativity of code, eristic of HCI, …)
NB: The conference will be preceded by a special workshop on the reception of Hilbert’s axiomatic method in Eastern Europe on 3 October 2017, organized by Mate Szabó (see the link in the left column for more details).
Accompanying cultural programme will include: the remake of the 1968 Brno exhibition Computer Graphic(featuring Frieder Nake and others), the first computer art exhibition in Eastern Europe, preceding Cybernetic Serendipity by several months, Live coding performance (inspired by the Exhibition Computer Graphic), the concert Exposition of New Music (contemporary music), and field recordings of Brno (student project).
A selection of revised contributions to the Conference will be published in a Special Issue of Philosophy & Technology (Springer).
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Valérie Schafer (24 mai 2017). CfP4th International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/va65