CfP: “Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture”, Issue 8.1: Archives of the Digital

Capture d’écran 2016-07-27 à 10.39.00Guest Editors: Hermann Rotermund, Wolfgang Hagen and Christian Herzog
(Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Reminder of the deadline for the submission of full papers: 31 July 2016
The issue is scheduled for publication in Spring 2017.

Digital media has initiated the transformation of archiving practices with implications for audio-visual archives, written archives and libraries. The substitution of finding aids, including paper cards, by databases is in most instances seen as beneficial and an advance.
However, the digitization of archival holdings poses a lot of questions that have not yet been thoroughly discussed. The physical nature of the sources is no longer an obstacle to their universal accessibility. Is digitization thus leading to the disappearance of the emphatic notion of the archive, because digitized materials are becoming mere elements of the constantly growing and flowing mass of data in electronic circuits? Will digital techniques replace the archive as an institution? Do we have to envision archives without records and without a documentation strategy – and documentarists as hackers who build ad hoc collections from randomly commented links?

With regard to broadcast archives, it can be observed that the form and comprehensibility of metadata, access and usage regulations have not kept pace with digitization. How can this asynchrony be dissolved? How can the means of digital technology and the Internet be used to create comprehensible and accessible metadata? How can archives be connected are there historical examples we could learn from?

Articles for this special issue, ‘Archives of the Digital’ could, for example, address ideas and visions for the reconfiguration of archives, or the epistemology of the archive (and its notions), treat exemplary case studies of (interdisciplinary) practices for the interpretation of archival content, or elaborate on the impact of digitization for scholars working in the archives/with archival holdings.

Submission guidelines

Submissions of 6000/–8000 words in length are to be original, scholarly
manuscripts formatted according to Intellect House Style


Submissions should be in Microsoft Word .doc/.docx format ONLY and sent as e-mail attachments to the guest editors, at
All inquiries should also be addressed to Hermann Rotermund.

About the journal
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, a journal published by Intellect, recognises the interdisciplinary nature of the fields of media, communication and cultural studies. We therefore encourage diverse themes, subjects, contexts and approaches: empirical, theoretical and historical. Our objective is to engage readers and contributors from different parts of the world in a critical debate on the myriad of interconnections and interactions between communication, culture and society.

Interactions is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to encourage the development of the widest possible scholarly community, both in terms of geographical location and intellectual scope in the fields of media, communication and cultural studies. We publish leading articles from both established scholars and those at the beginning of their academic careers.

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Valérie Schafer (27 juillet 2016). CfP: “Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture”, Issue 8.1: Archives of the Digital. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse