Special Issue, Rhetoric and Computation

New Issue of Computational Culture (Journal of software studies)

Annette Vee &James J. Brown, Jr., Editors, Special Issue Introduction

Steve Holmes, Can we name the tools? Ontologies of Code, Speculative Techné and Rhetorical Concealment

John Tinnell, From WIMP to ATLAS: Rhetorical Figures of Ubiquitous Computing

Kevin Brock, The ‘FizzBuzz’ Programming Test: A Case-Based Exploration of Rhetorical Style in Code

Elizabeth Losh, Sensing Exigence, a Rhetoric for Smart Objects

Jennifer Maher, Artificial Rhetorical Agents and the Computing of Phronesis

Alexander Monea, Graph Force: Rhetorical Machines and the N-Arization of Knowledge

Andreas Birkbak & Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, The World of Edgerank: Rhetorical Justifications of Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm

Matthew Bellinger, The Rhetoric of Error in Digital Media


M. Beatrice Fazi, Incomputable Aesthetics: Open Axioms of Contingency

Erica Robles-Anderson and Patrik Svensson, “One Damn Slide After Another”: PowerPoint at every Occasion for Speech

Michael Lachney, William Babbitt & Ron Eglash, Software Design in the “Construction Genre” of Learning Technology: Content Aware versus Content Agnostic


Zara Dinnen, Interface Poetics, a review of Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound, by Lori Emerson

Silvia Mollicchi, Memorious Histories of Open Circuits, a review of Beautiful Data, a history of vision and reason since 1945 by Orit Halpern

Giles Askham, Inner and Outer Networks, a review of Anna Munster, An Aesthesia of Networks: Conjunctive Experience in Art and Technology

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Valérie Schafer (29 février 2016). Special Issue, Rhetoric and Computation. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v9zr