Program Conference “Changing platforms of memory Practices” and pre-conference event.

The program “Changing platforms of Memory Practices-Conference” in Groningen, September 10-12 that is now online. One of the key note speakers is  Megan Sapnar Ankerson talking about “My Personal Web History: Using the Wayback Machine as Technology of memory”.

Other interesting panel speakers for this list will be Catherine Summerhayes (Australian National University) talking about Google earth as a site for remembering and erasure and Niels Kerssens (University of Amsterdam) about the various traditions of practice and discourse around the relationship humans historically had with computers, Rik Smit (University of Groningen) about Sociotechnical Practices of the “New Memory Ecology”.

As a pre-event to the conference, there will be an expert meeting on September 10 about Hands-On History Exploring New Methodologies for Media Research, Teaching, and Curating. 

User : Piotrus CC BY 3.0

User : Piotrus
CC BY 3.0


How can we challenge the exclusively textual approaches to media history and opt for a more experimental and hands-on approach to cultural heritage?  The University of Groningen’s Film Archive and the Network for Experimental Media Archaeology, focused on media heritage, are working on  innovative methodologies for engaging with past media technologies by creating situations of re-use to experience and understand the complex relationship between the materiality of media devices and the performative qualities of such objects.


You are kindly invited to the presentation of their concept of a new digital platform used for the recording and sharing of data and experiments, and to discuss new, experimental, apparatus-oriented forms of media research, teaching, and curating. Among Speakers are Giovanna Fossati (Eye Film Institute The Netherlands / University of Amsterdam), Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg University), Annie van den Oever, Bernd Warnders, and André Rosendaal (University of Groningen), Andrea Haller (Deutsches Filminstitut / German Film Museum Frankfurt am Main), Ludwig Vogl Bienek (University of Trier), Nick Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London),  Johan Oomen (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision).

The event will take place in Infoversum’s 3D Dome and its director, astronomer Shawn Laatsch, will demonstrate  the specific technologies and value of the 3D Dome for academic research and education as part of the program.

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Valérie Schafer (27 août 2015). Program Conference “Changing platforms of memory Practices” and pre-conference event. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse