CfP Entangled History from a Media Perspective: International and Transcultural Communication History

8th annual conference of the Network for International and Intercultural Communication in Dortmund (Germany), January 2016

This upcoming event will be a joint conference of the divisions for International and Intercultural Communication and Communication History of the German Association for Communication Studies.

Acm 321 Domaine Public

Acm 321
Domaine Public.

The conference will take place in the Institute for Newspaper Research, Dortmund.

Abstracts for presentations are expected to be submitted no later than August 31, 2015 and should be send to




Detailed call for papers here:

Submissions for the following areas of research are welcome:

1. Contributions to the theory and methodology of transcultural communication and media history as well as to the transformation of media systems and structures in a historical perspective.

2. Research on transnational and transcultural communication history and its phenomena, which can be described as “histoire croisée” or “entangled history”. These can, for example, concern:
•Communication and media in exile and / or in the diaspora
•Cross-border media communication during certain periods or relating to a certain event (“Media Events”)
•Cross-border media production and reception (this also includes issues of cultural homogenization or hybridization)
•Media, communication and migration
•Memory and the media3. Research on entangled developments of and in various national media systems, such as cross-border implications of digital media and new forms of participation in public media or in terms of political transformation processes. This includes questions of cross-border media and communication policy and regulation.4. Research on various forms of per se international and transcultural communication in a historical perspective such as
•Public Diplomacy
•International news flows and foreign reporting
•Development communication and development journalism
•Global and translocal protest communication5. International comparative research on historical media developments that explains differences and similarities in the history of media systems and communication processes, elaborates on relevant contextual factors and discusses appropriate methods.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Valérie Schafer (23 août 2015). CfP Entangled History from a Media Perspective: International and Transcultural Communication History. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse