Conférence du 10 au 12 Septembre 2015, University of Groningen, Pays-Bas
One of the keynote speakers will be Megan Sapnar Ankerson talking about “My Personal Web History: Using the Wayback Machine as Technology of memory”.
Megan Sapnar Ankerson is an Assistant Professor in Communication Studies at the University of Michigan, where she studies media and communication technologies from historical, comparative, industrial, and cultural perspectives. Her teaching and research interests include digital media, visual culture, internet and web history, software studies and media aesthetics. Her forthcoming book, Dot-com Design, examines the emergence of “quality” web design practices as modes of imaging the future at the turn of 21st century. She is currently working on a project about digital nostalgia and amateur engagement with web archives.
Other interesting panel speakers for this list will be Catherine Summerhayes (Australian National University) talking about Google earth as a site for remembering and erasure and Niels Kerssens (University of Amsterdam) about the various traditions of practice and discourse around the relationship humans historically had with computers.
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Valérie Schafer (29 juin 2015). Changing Platforms of Memory Practices. Technologies, User Generations and Amateur Media Dispositifs. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse