Prochaine séance du séminaire « Codes sources »: jeudi 21 mai 2015 (14h-16h)
Maarten Bullynck (SPHERE) : « Explorer les codes et textes de MULTICS »
Pour plus de détails sur le séminaire et la séance
Horaire et Lieu : 14.00 – 16.00
Salle 24-25/405 du LIP6 (rotonde 24 ou 25, 4e étage)
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris/ métro Jussieu (lignes 7 et 10)
Nous ne résistons pas à cette occasion à l’envie de partager avec vous ce petit clin d’oeil repéré sur
The following was circulated anonymously at MIT Project MAC in the mid-70s. Thanks to Sammy Migues for unearthing it.
Computer Systems Research Division Request for Comedy No. 0 TITLES FOR PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH MULTICS by anonymous.CompSys.a Now that Multics is a marketed product, there seems to be a need for some formal titles that express one's level of involvement with Multics. How about the following for a start: User - one who learns something more about Multics every time he logs in. Multician - one who knows a fair amount about several phases of the Multics design; a jack of all trades, master of none. Multicologist - one who studies part of the Multics design in depth, unearthing relics of the past, and making exciting discoveries daily. Multometrist - one who measures and characterizes, compares and scrutinizes, Multices. Multical Theorist - one who is able to talk about Multics without once referring to pxss, ipc, page, or hcs. Operator - one who is certain to know less about Multics than you do. _______________ This note is a formal non-working paper of the Project MAC Computer Systems Research Division. It should be reproduced and distributed wherever levity is lacking, and may be referenced at your own risk.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Valérie Schafer (7 mai 2015). Séminaires “Codes sources”: Multics. Web90 - Patrimoine, Mémoires et Histoire du Web dans les années 1990. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse